
People love to touch and feel! Marketing psychology tells us that consumers will make a purchase based on the feel of a product. How can you take advantage of this? Incorporating marketing such as direct mail creates a tangible connection between your brand and the product. Although direct mail’s response rate has dropped over time, it’s still a valuable tool for marketers and salespeople. The Direct Marketing Association found direct mail's response rate is 4.4% — compared to 0.12% for email. 76% of people trust ads they receive in the mail and 90% of MILLENNIALS think direct mail advertising is more reliable.

Whether you are mailing a postcard to your existing customer address list or saturating a mailing route with an Every Door Direct Mail marketing piece, I can help make sure your message is on target to your customers. I design it, print, and mail it, saving you precious time and money. Save even more on postage for bulk mailings over 200 pieces and EDDMs.